
This little love bug is all about the fusses and cuddles and thinks she is a lap dog by all accounts. She came in as a stray so we have no history on her unfortunately but she is currently the easiest dog we have on site. She is really good on the lead and pays no attention to dogs whatsoever - preferring to interact with the person on the end of the lead.

Although she does like to get out and about she isn't high energy and probably wouldn't like a super active home, a sofa all to herself would be her choice 🙂

Not cat tested and no under 5's

Polly Pocket

Miss Polly Pocket Bully has come into us as a stray from another council area where their stray pound was full which meant Polly's days were numbered if she hadn't of found a rescue place but thankfully we were able to take her!

Though we don't have any history on her we can say that since her first step of the transport with us she's not put a toe out of line, she has been amazing with everyone she's met, she gets on with dogs, travelled to the vets like a dream, good as gold for the vet, loves to play with toys (although some of the softer toys didn't stand up to her play time, oops!) and she has been good on the lead.

Whoever takes this beautiful girl home will be very lucky!


Sandra was rehomed from us last year and was living harmoniously until some rivalry between her and the other dog started to rear it's head and due to the other dog being a quite old it was decided for both dogs that she come back to us to find a new home.

Despite the issues within the home environment Sandra gets along with other dogs out and about, even the dog she lived with never had any problems out walking it seems that she prefers not to share her space and attention so we are looking for a dog free home for her.

Sandra does still need to gain some confidence, she has made big improvements and continues to make them, she is now going out with volunteers but there are times when she may need gradual introductions to new people, situations and environments.

On the lead she does walk well, just the occasional reminder needed here and then, she does love her walks, to get out and about exploring and would walk all day if she could so an active home would definitely be needed for her. She loves to run and though hasn't quite got her recall absolutely nailed she blasts round our playpen and secure dog enclosures with her previous owner at full pace until she has had enough to come back so she will definitely need a garden and ideally somewhere local to her new home where she can have a good gallop!

We have been told that she's very clever and loves her dog puzzles, very affectionate, does get car sick on longer journeys,  fine with other dogs on walks, has a good level of obedience but does bark at the postmen and unfamiliar/loud noises.

Sandra is such a lovely girl, she just need someone to continue her confidence journey and give her the home she wants!



Ginnie came into us initially as a pup last year and was rehomed where she was living until recently where it was thought there was a problem between two of the three dogs in the home but later it was found that the other dog had a medical condition but because of this the owners couldn't balance Ginnie's care along with the medical needs of there other dog so it was decided for Ginnie needed to be returned to us.

When Ginnie was first returned to us she was absolutely petrified of kennels, people particularly men and didn't want to leave her bed, she showed almost every characteristic of fear aggression which was out of character for the dog we knew even when she first arrived with us 6 months ago as a wiggly bouncy over the top puppy fresh into kennels never been in them before. Thankfully she is now coming round, making good progress, confidence is coming along but there is still improvements to be made which hopefully her new home can help her make! Though men seem to be more of a worry to her she gets on with all males staff now.

The playpen is Ginnie's happy place, she can do her Lurcher zoomies, run around throwing toys in the air and playing about in the paddling pool all she likes! We will definitely be looking for a home where she has her own garden to play in and also one where she can go on lots of long walks and adventures as she has lots of energy and a love of exploring

As she has lived with two other dogs she may be able to live with one in her new home but she would be equally happy being the only dog and princess of the home!

We have been told that Ginnie does have some separation anxiety, though she is crate trained and was built up to be left short periods she really doesn't like being left long so she will need someone around a lot at least to begin with to continue to build her up to being able to be left more comfortably.

Once she knows and trusts you she is the cuddliest, affectionate, silly and funny pup, there is never a dull day when she is around!

Hopefully she will soon find a home where she can get the happily ever after she needs and deserves!!




Star & Sprout

Sprout and Star have been with us for some time but have needed an extra helping paw with their confidence, though they aren't what you'd say as 'confident' they have come on in leaps and bounds since first arriving with us so we now feel the time is right to find them a permanent home 🙂

They are a bonded pair however if we can find homes to suit both of their needs then we will consider splitting them but hopefully we can find a nice home for them together to continue their journey side by side.

Sprout is female and she is 4 years old, she is the grey scruffy looking one. Sprout is usually the first to approach you, first to have her lead on and first to lie on her back for belly rubs. She is also the first to decide she doesn't want to walk anymore (hence her portly stature!! but we are working on this) and will need coaxing along. She has an absolute hear of gold, even at her most fearful moments her temperament never wavered.

Star is male and is 7 years old, he is the black and tan fella. Star is the more excited out of the two, he so desperately wants to run straight up to you for fuss but often needs Sprout to go first then he will join in the fuss and nudge poor sprout out of the way! Star loves his walks though sometimes will have to run to his bed for comfort when you put his lead on but will happily walk and sniff all day long.  Out of the two Star has come the furthest, he was very wary of everything and everyone opting to run away from you at every given opportunity.

Both Star & Sprout are now going out with volunteers, though it takes them a minute to suss them out it's not long before they are lapping up the fuss. In the kennel you often see them lay next to each other side by side gazing out at the goings on.

We will be looking for an experienced home to keep their confidence growing, they will need a quiter environment with no children and no other dogs. Just one where they can get the TLC, walks and time they need.


Teddy has come into us as a stray and is the brother of Danny (also up for rehoming) both are quite alike in many ways but Teddy is a bit more broken coated.

Teddy alike his brother will need some training classes, he is a typical bouncy, happy puppy who is full of beans but has limited manners or obedience.

We have found that if not given correct instruction he will bark at dogs, though he is just full of enthusiasm to meet them we have told him this isn't acceptable as many dogs won't appreciate his shouting! If you are consistent and on top of him he can and will walk beautifully whilst ignoring dogs (or at least not barking at them) but this will need to be continued in his new home to ensure it's nipped in the bud now.

We can't fault Teddy's temperament with people, he loves fuss, affection, toys, playtime and everything is exciting!

With some much needed training Teddy will make a fab dog!


Olly has recently come back to us due to a family difficulty which left them in absolutely no other option but to return Olly to our care, understandably they are heartbroken but have given us lots of information so we can help him find a new home.

We originally had Olly after his racing days were over and he was starting his retirement, we are hoping that he finds a home as quickly as he did before as he isn't a fan of kennels especially now having a taste of domesticated living... not to mention finding his love of sofas!

We are ideally looking for a home with no or older children as his previous owners have told us he can be a little possessive with high value items but they have worked really hard to combat this and had made a great deal of improvement. Olly commendably gives ample warning if he isn't happy about a person taking the item from him, he has never been put in a position to take this any further but he will need owners to continue working with distraction and trade going forward.

In the home Olly is as relaxed as they come, opting to spend the majority of the day lazing around snoozing, he is housetrained (though may need reminding of this after his stay in kennels), he travels really well, he is super affectionate and friendly with everyone he meets... his only downside in the home is that he is counter height so no food left on the side is safe from his nose & stomach.

Olly has lived with a cat though he will chase if the opportunity arises but nothing more, he is also good with other dogs though he's not overly interested in them as he's more interested in his walks and sniffs.

We are looking for a home where someone is around a lot as he isn't a huge fan of being on his own, in his previous home he was gradually built up to be left for around 2 hours a day cozied up in his crate with the TV on, so any new owner will need to help him built up to be happy left longer.

On the lead Olly walks immaculately always by your side on a nice loose lead trotting along, his owners have told us he has good recall and some basic commands.

Overall Olly is a gorgeous boy who deserves another chance and will no doubt make someone a very lucky owner to have him.