

We've been asked by another charity to help them find poor Echo a home as he has had little to no interest and how could we say no to that gorgeous face! So he's with us and we are keeping our paws crossed that we can indeed help find him a forever home!

Since being with us Echo has been an absolute gentleman with people, he loves everyone and graces each and every person with the typical Lurcher lean up your leg for fuss!

On the lead he can be strong at times, he's not really a scanning the horizon for small furries kind of sighthound but a nose to the floor sniffer kind of sighthound but once his nose is off the floor, he is in check at heel he can and will walk nicely.

Echo does have a mixed reaction to dogs, some he ignores, some he is interested, some he loves and some he will react towards. That said we have found that even those he does react towards initially he can learn to be friends with given correct instructions for example, upon first meeting Ginnie the Whippet X he did react towards her barking and grumbling but now they are very good friends!!

In the playpen he does love a good blast round, chasing toys though he's not a retriever so the toys stay wherever they are thrown for him! In the safe confines of our playpen he does have a pretty good recall to his name but we would suggest that any off lead antics in his new home are also in an equally enclosed safe space... just in case 🙂

We do know that Echo was in a home prior to coming to us where he was sadly returned to the rescue due to pregnancy and adoption of two XL Bully puppies so sadly Echo had to go however he did live with children and loved hanging out with them.







Meet our boy Lez who has come into us through no fault of his own and full details will be given to those interested in adopting him however we won't let his history effect his future so onwards and upwards for this handsome fella!

On the lead he is a typical Husky, thinking that the lead is a challenge to tow whoever is attached so work has started to tackle this to show him that a loose lead is a much better way to experience walks.. safe to say this is a work in progress so will need to be continued in his new home.

We have found his personality similar to that of a cat, everything is on the cards when he is keen otherwise he couldn't be any less interested! So games, zoomies and playtime is the best thing ever and will fully partake when he is in the mood for it otherwise he's more interested in mooching. The same can be said for fuss, cuddles and affection, when he is in the mood he is the cuddliest doofus rolling round on his back and all over you for all the fuss you can give but if not he barely acknowledges your existence though that being said it could be much to do with being in kennels and having various handlers which may differ in a home with owners to bond with.

Lez is good with most dogs, there are maybe 25% that he isn't too keen on but they are usually the quirky or reactive ones, the vast majority of the time he is happy to greet and walk with. We would likely suggest either a dog free home or maybe one with a nice female husky with a similar mindset!

Ideally we are looking for a Husky experienced home to help bring out the best in him!


Dearest little Beau is sadly back with us through no real fault of her own for the second time in a year so fingers crossed her luck will come in a third time!!

Beau was rehomed from us about 10 years ago but came back into us as she became less & less tolerant of the other dog/s in the home and began to cause fights, so the sad decision was made to return her so she could find a home of her very own without the stress of other dogs within the home. We managed to find her such a home however due to bereavement and a lack of time the owner could no longer continue caring for her so she made her way back to us for the second time.

The type of home Beau needs is a quieter one, one where she can find companionship with her owner/s, where she can still enjoy her walks and live out her retirement in peace.

Beau walks lovely on the lead just enjoying her time out, she goes out with all of our volunteers with out an issue. She loves a fuss and is incredibly affectionate, ideally she would suit a female as she can be cautious of some males but has been fine with our staff here.

In the playpen she isn't too fussed about all these zoomies the other dogs do, she does on occasion have a spurt of energy and play of a toy but all in all much more interested in the sniffs, investigating and the cuddles the human can offer!

We know Beau isn't a fan of other dogs so we are looking for a home with no other dogs/pets, she doesn't want to interact with other dogs when she is on her walks so if you are looking for a social butterfly to join you on walks with other dogs she may not be the one for you. She isn't at all reactive on the lead, she just keeps herself to herself and we absolutely don't blame her!

At 12 years we really hope she doesn't have to spend any more time in kennels then needed!


If you love a Bull breed of any variety, you are absolutely guaranteed to LOVE Monty!!!

Monty came into us as a police sign over as he chased the wheels of a pram, though there was no child in the pram it was just the wheels that he found fascination with but thankfully he has found his way to us so we can find him a home as amazing as he is!

We can honestly say Monty is the cuddliest, most affectionate, people loving pup we have in at the moment, he laps up all the attention his gorgeous smoosh face gets... and that's a lot!

On the lead Monty does walk well, he does need the occasional correction but he is super dog to work with as he is so focussed on humans wanting to please (and earn a tasty treat in the process!)

When Monty first arrived wasn't sure about other dogs and their intentions however we have been doing a lot of work with him and he is doing amazingly! He used to be quite focussed on other dogs and at times on the vocal side however he now walks round the fields with ease next to another dog and their handler, he will look at other dogs further away then look back to his handler for a reward, he has shared time in a playpen with a dog next to him and was that chilled he lay down, so we know he can do it but he just needs a home to continue this socialisation and hopefully one day he can find canine friends to actually play with!!

In the playpen he does like a good playtime and a game of football but only if you play with him, he isn't one to go and pick up a toy or occupy himself playing. He's also not a huge fan of zoomies, but will break out more then a trot if you run with him so likely isn't going to be a running companion  - bless him!

Overall Monty has a beautiful nature, he just wants someone to take him home and shower him with love, with continued training we know he will make an amazing dog!



AMORA is a 9 week old Collie x Husky pup who is looking for a new home due family circumstances. She has gone through so much upheaval in a few days and now finding herself in kennels so we would really love to get her into a forever home sooner rather than later. She will be an active girl, maybe medium to large when fully grown and hopefully will grow into her ears 🥰
Please request an adoption form via email [email protected]