
We've been asked by another charity to help them find poor Echo a home as he has had little to no interest and how could we say no to that gorgeous face! So he's with us and we are keeping our paws crossed that we can indeed help find him a forever home!

Since being with us Echo has been an absolute gentleman with people, he loves everyone and graces each and every person with the typical Lurcher lean up your leg for fuss!

On the lead he can be strong at times, he's not really a scanning the horizon for small furries kind of sighthound but a nose to the floor sniffer kind of sighthound but once his nose is off the floor, he is in check at heel he can and will walk nicely.

Echo does have a mixed reaction to dogs, some he ignores, some he is interested, some he loves and some he will react towards. That said we have found that even those he does react towards initially he can learn to be friends with given correct instructions for example, upon first meeting Ginnie the Whippet X he did react towards her barking and grumbling but now they are very good friends!!

In the playpen he does love a good blast round, chasing toys though he's not a retriever so the toys stay wherever they are thrown for him! In the safe confines of our playpen he does have a pretty good recall to his name but we would suggest that any off lead antics in his new home are also in an equally enclosed safe space... just in case 🙂

We do know that Echo was in a home prior to coming to us where he was sadly returned to the rescue due to pregnancy and adoption of two XL Bully puppies so sadly Echo had to go however he did live with children and loved hanging out with them.



Ginnie came into us initially as a pup last year and was rehomed where she was living until recently where it was thought there was a problem between two of the three dogs in the home but later it was found that the other dog had a medical condition but because of this the owners couldn't balance Ginnie's care along with the medical needs of there other dog so it was decided for Ginnie needed to be returned to us.

When Ginnie was first returned to us she was absolutely petrified of kennels, people particularly men and didn't want to leave her bed, she showed almost every characteristic of fear aggression which was out of character for the dog we knew even when she first arrived with us 6 months ago as a wiggly bouncy over the top puppy fresh into kennels never been in them before. Thankfully she is now coming round, making good progress, confidence is coming along but there is still improvements to be made which hopefully her new home can help her make! Though men seem to be more of a worry to her she gets on with all males staff now.

The playpen is Ginnie's happy place, she can do her Lurcher zoomies, run around throwing toys in the air and playing about in the paddling pool all she likes! We will definitely be looking for a home where she has her own garden to play in and also one where she can go on lots of long walks and adventures as she has lots of energy and a love of exploring

As she has lived with two other dogs she may be able to live with one in her new home but she would be equally happy being the only dog and princess of the home!

We have been told that Ginnie does have some separation anxiety, though she is crate trained and was built up to be left short periods she really doesn't like being left long so she will need someone around a lot at least to begin with to continue to build her up to being able to be left more comfortably.

Once she knows and trusts you she is the cuddliest, affectionate, silly and funny pup, there is never a dull day when she is around!

Hopefully she will soon find a home where she can get the happily ever after she needs and deserves!!